
Lessons that I learnt in my twenties

In February, I turned the big 3-0! All my friends and family had count downs going – this was a big birthday. I left behind a decade of my life and have entered into a new season! Initially I planned to write a post about being thirty but heck, I’m no expert on that – I mean I just got here. (more…)

Marriage – why-fore doth thou be so hard?

We see this phrase everywhere right? Marriage is tough. Marriage is not for the faint of heart.   There are thousands of books on how to deal with all these aspects of marriage and what could go wrong. Psychologists making millions in couples therapy because that’s just it. Marriage is HARD! On days when my own marriage is less than picture perfect, I spend a morning working myself up. Justifying with myself on why he is so wrong, why I should feel what I am feeling. Telling myself it’s okay to be angry. Talking through how I am going to guilt him. What I’m gonna do to make him feel the extent of my anger.


Who were you in 2007?

…. you are probably looking at your screen with your eyes scrunched up with a pretty perplexed look on your face. If you didn’t and the answer just jumped out at you – then my next question is – who are you and why are you lying to yourself? (more…)