…. you are probably looking at your screen with your eyes scrunched up with a pretty perplexed look on your face. If you didn’t and the answer just jumped out at you – then my next question is – who are you and why are you lying to yourself?

Yesterday, I shared about Stacy, MS and the last year of our lives, the blog post went viral and my sister and I were flooded with love and support. Thank you to each and every reader!

Somewhere in that support, a guy that I had gone to school with, commented about knowing us – he followed this with a story about how he had come to visit at our home and I (the older sister) had thereafter pretended like I didn’t know him when he had greeted, hugged and approached me. The thread was screen-grabbed and sent to me.

Initially I laughed it off. You know when you laugh at something and then the more you think about it the more you don’t think it’s funny? Regret washed over me, I needed to apologise to this guy. So I did, I messaged him on Facebook, made light of an awkward situation and apologised. Genuinely I don’t recall both him visiting at our home or an instance where he greeted, or hugged me. I do admit that when I see him (which now that I think of it has happened quite a few times), I don’t go out of my way to wave – should I?  I mean – you can greet me too, right? As you can tell by now with my defensive train of thought, I feel bad.

The person he described in his explanation, I can’t deny that at some point in my life, that was me. The kind of person that would make someone feel smaller than me just because I could. I’ve deduced that I hurt his feelings, mainly from the fact that he didn’t accept my message request. Also the time he described was roughly 12/13 years ago. I decided that for that, he deserved a public apology. So here it is:

Dear “Message Request Decliner”

I would like to apologize again if I offended you. It probably was exactly my intention back then but the person I was when I did that, is something I’m not proud of. I’ve grown from her. If I made you feel anything less than what you deserved it was more a reflection on me who I was and mostly of how totally immature I was.

I hope that the next time we see one another you look at me long enough to see me try to greet you.


Transformed Mean Girl

Hows that? If it was you – would you forgive me?

Do you also cover your face when Facebook shows you status updates from 10 years ago?

In the meantime – let’s all take a page from Elsa’s book and just “Let it goooooo”


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