
Being a wife has its own challenges right? Here I discuss and sometimes rant about mine

How to not ditch your husband after you have a baby!

“Me and you sitting in a tree – K.I.S.S.I.N.G, first comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes a baby in a baby carriage!” And then? And then what? Well, I googled it – and the rest of the song says “Sucking his thumb, wetting his pants, doing the hula, hula dance!” They got that part right! But the me and you is no longer important after you have a baby comes. We don’t even feature in the song anymore. (more…)

Mom Guilt: The Payback Factor

I have been AWOL (absent without leave) for a week, whilst my life has been less than its usual imperfect self. All the while looking back now I tried to maintain some normality – which as we know raises even more havoc!The #ECMeetUp was on my calendar (side note: this was amazing!) for a really long time, but early last week it seemed this plan was destined to fail. Is this a Murphy’s Law thing? Because I really, really could do with a break here! (more…)

Angry cleaning – are you guilty too?

angry cleaning

At first I thought I was the only one who cleaned when I was angry or anxious. When I did a bit of research as to why I do this – I actually found out “angry cleaning” and “cleaning rage” is an actual thing. Most people feel a compulsive urge to clean something when they are annoyed or frustrated about or with someone. (more…)

Marriage – why-fore doth thou be so hard?

We see this phrase everywhere right? Marriage is tough. Marriage is not for the faint of heart.   There are thousands of books on how to deal with all these aspects of marriage and what could go wrong. Psychologists making millions in couples therapy because that’s just it. Marriage is HARD! On days when my own marriage is less than picture perfect, I spend a morning working myself up. Justifying with myself on why he is so wrong, why I should feel what I am feeling. Telling myself it’s okay to be angry. Talking through how I am going to guilt him. What I’m gonna do to make him feel the extent of my anger.
