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Sometimes I find products, places and things that I absolutely adore and figure if we all in this trial and error together let me tell you what worked for me. :)

Interactive Toddler Books from Campbell {Children’s Book Review}

It’s no secret we are massive book fans, Daniel will not go to bed without a bedtime story! Currently we are only reading Daddy Long Legs and Cake before bed. Talking about books with your toddler is such an important part of cultivating their love for books in the long run. Apart from good habits, anything that keeps Daniel and Emilie away from the TV from a few extra minutes brings my heart much joy! Couple good habits with a book that not only teaches them to love reading, but acts as an interactive link so that they too can take part in the story and you have a winner!

interactive toddler books


Getting Inspired with a Journaling Bible for Girls + WIN!

Teaching our children about God and His ways, is one of our prime responsibilities as parents. Sometimes it becomes difficult as the Bible is not as easy to understand even for us adults. So how would you get your preteen, who doesn’t always like to read, or even talk because of all the hormones, engaged in the Bible. Christian Art Distributors has a fantastic answer for this perplexing question. Introducing the Inspired Bible!



Ottoline and the Purple Fox {Children’s Book Review}

The holidays proved to not be the perfect time for Emilie to read, as much as she enjoys escaping into another world, she needs a little coaxing. Gasp! I know, as much as I constantly push the culture of book-lovers in our home, and we are positively excited about new releases and the absolute privileged to see them before they are on the shelves. Getting a preteen to read can be challenging, especially when the world has so many other stimulants that are easier to engross into. “Ottoline and the Purple Fox” was the perfect easy read for Emilie to use to get back into things during the holidays.

Ottoline and the Purple Fox


A natural local choice for baby skincare feat. Bubiroo {Review}

Eczema is like a swear-word in our house. It has given me absolute endless anxiety since Daniel picked it up at 10 weeks. We have been to the pediatrician, got all the recommended soaps and tried various baby ranges. Some of which worked, if only for a short while, but when winter popped it’s ugly scaly head Daniel started with eczema around his eyes and face area. It looked sore, irritated and flaky. Most of all my poor babies face was a constant reminder that although we had tons of medications, this is something we are living with daily.



Daddy Long Legs {Children’s Book Review}

This is in fact not a book about spiders, gogo’s or any creepy crawly’s as the title would have you think. Daddy Long Legs is actually a beautiful book about a daddy’s relationship with his child.

How many of you have sang the song, “Clap handies, clap handies for Daddy to come”? When Ian has had to travel in the past although I’ve never sang the song, I’ve found myself pining. Dads, the heroes of so many children’s hearts are often the ones who are traveling, and spending more time away from home. While the parent left behind nurtures and give reassurance of Daddy’s return. This book is that reassurance in a way that warms all the mushies in your heart.

Daddy Long Legs
