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My take on the joys and difficulties of being a parent, here I am not pretending to know it all… at all just trying to figure it out like every other parent on the planet and have some fun doing it. :)

She thinks she’s not good enough! Prayers for My Child!

Be a good parent they say. It sounds easy enough right? Sigh! I’m having a “woe is me” day – where I feel like a failed parent. (Again!) I have those days – I’m sure you do too. Where all I can do is say prayers for my child. I realised that she is insecure about one of her features, something that she, has somewhere between the start of her school career, and now, become aware of. This awareness that she has is basically that this feature isn’t like everyone else’s. Initially mommy instincts? March down to the school and just bring down the house! Who told her that she wasn’t like everyone else? Even so, who made her believe that this was a bad thing?

prayers for my child


How do you discipline your tween?

A tween is the shortened version of the word “tween-ager” which is typically children between the ages of 10-14. Sadly my little baby girl falls within that age and if you have been following my blog for a while you would know I’ve written about the struggles that come with this phase quite extensively. Ranging from becoming a girl and THE TALK, to back chatting, attitudes and eye rolls, homework issues and now how to discipline a tween. Can you tell this stage is a little difficult for me to accept yet?

discipline your tween (more…)

Reader’s Choice – Top 5 posts on In the Meantime!

I can barely believe it, but I have been blogging for over a year. My blog birthday passed in February completely unnoticed by anyone, including me! When I started out this was really a space for me to express my thoughts, struggles and challenges with life. Life as a working full time wife, mother and person, it has since grown to a place for like-minded mom to find safety in the words “me too”. I’m honest, and my readers as it turns out love those posts the most! So this is a little reminiscent recap on where I’ve come from and my top 5 posts thus far!

top 5 posts


Oh why hello Toddler Tantrums!

We have seen the odd ugly little “tantrum” at home where it’s safe to leave your child to scream, like an abused lunatic. I’ve even gone as far as to giggle at Daniel’s dramatic scenes at home, in my safe, calm space. But wow, when it happened to me this weekend at church… Safe, calm, composed and “ignore him” were the absolute last, adjectives that came to mind. In fact, I was so overwhelmed myself, that I too, threw a little tantrum. I lost my shit i.e. an adult tantrums.



First Stories: Pinocchio – Push, Pull, Slide {Children’s Book Review}

Reading to toddlers can be challenging. As much as Daniel loves to read, I like to think he gets this from mimicking his reader parents. Often him asking us to read his favourite books, include him starting us on his favourite pages and showing us all the interesting pictures on the page. In-between which sometimes before we can finish reading the page he’s ready to move on. Last week we received some lovely additions to our growing library, which included First Stories: Pinocchio.

