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My take on the joys and difficulties of being a parent, here I am not pretending to know it all… at all just trying to figure it out like every other parent on the planet and have some fun doing it. :)

It takes a village – surrender to it!

This last month has been so insane, to a point where I felt like someone was going to jump out and be like “Ha! We got you – smile for the camera”. No such luck yet though – but the jury is still out, so it could be still coming. As a family we have been to see our Dr 7 times in the month of June. I like the number 7, but going to the Dr that many times is a little draining. Okay very draining! What I didn’t mention when I wrote the post about Motherhood kicking my ass, was that although I was really struggling – I did have help.


A village.

it takes a village


Hot Wheels has been bridging the generational gap for 50 years! {WIN!!}

Introducing a potential husband to a girls father is no small feat, as many of you will know. There’s a lot of tension, expectations, and of course, there’s intent. I was especially nervous because my father, a biker, car extraordinaire, and a particularly difficult man has never been short of the wrong thing to say. Their first meeting didn’t go completely as planned. A love for cars, however, albeit differences of opinions about favourites and which are the best, bridged the gap, the generational gap between them. It even laid the foundation, for a beautiful relationship.

generational gap


What to do when you are stuck in the house with a “GermFest”!

Reading the title of this post, most of you must be thinking, other than sleep? Nothing! Then again, moms know different. Even when you are sick, and everyone in your house is sick. Life needs to go on. Toddlers and preteens are rarely as tired as we require them to be in these times right? And of course, the show must go on! This last month, our house was invaded by a bunch of really sticky germs. Although we were home-bound (aka stuck in the house), we managed to make it fun. And this without too much input from the TV!

stuck in the house


I’m struggling. Mom life is kicking my ass right now!

The last two weeks have notably been two of the toughest weeks I’ve had in a long while. Except for that time Daniel fell and cut his head open, and had to have surgery. Not the worst but really tough. My home has been an absolute “germfest”! It started with the toddler getting terrible fevers, I was off work but it passed over soon. Then Emilie got sick, I was worried but not overly. Husband got sick, I started and we ended up at the Dr last week. Today we were back in the Dr’s office where I received some crappy deductions that made me feel – even crappier.

mom life (more…)

Investing your time with your children intentionally – 936 Pennies

Are you one of those people who get to work on a Monday wishing for Friday? Waiting for 4pm? That next holiday or weekend away? All the while wishing the time in between these “events” in our lives away? Me too. Sadly! A few weeks ago though my perspective on time was shifted when an amazing new release by Christian Art Distributors landed on my desk -“936 pennies”. From the day your child is born until they turn 18, you have 936 weeks.

936 pennies
