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She thinks she’s not good enough! Prayers for My Child!

Be a good parent they say. It sounds easy enough right? Sigh! I’m having a “woe is me” day – where I feel like a failed parent. (Again!) I have those days – I’m sure you do too. Where all I can do is say prayers for my child. I realised that she is insecure about one of her features, something that she, has somewhere between the start of her school career, and now, become aware of. This awareness that she has is basically that this feature isn’t like everyone else’s. Initially mommy instincts? March down to the school and just bring down the house! Who told her that she wasn’t like everyone else? Even so, who made her believe that this was a bad thing?

prayers for my child


Lessons that I learnt in my twenties

In February, I turned the big 3-0! All my friends and family had count downs going – this was a big birthday. I left behind a decade of my life and have entered into a new season! Initially I planned to write a post about being thirty but heck, I’m no expert on that – I mean I just got here. (more…)

I am ashamed

i am ashamedToday I decided to share the one thing, that I have been more ashamed of than anything else in my adult life. Not because I think it would make it easier, in fact its kinda like, willingly dropping my towel in front of a hundred people. I want to share with you because I hope that in my sharing I can help someone else feel a little less ashamed. A little less like their worth is determined by something materialistic. (more…)

"They think your sister has Multiple Sclerosis (MS)…"

The sentence that changed 2016 for my family, came early in February.

Complaining of a strange feeling in one leg is how it all started,  it was like pins and needles I remember her saying. We had just found out I was pregnant. My memory eludes me regarding the events around her being admitted to hospital, or even what happened the first few days she was admitted.
